Thursday, March 29, 2018

Inner Thigh Pain Treatment Home Remedies and Exercises

Inner thigh pain treatment: Home remedies and exercises

Inner thigh pain treatment can be problematic to obtain as its location makes it difficult to find an easy to use and effective solution. Inner thigh pain can last several minutes to a couple of hours, preventing sufferers from performing even the simplest of daily activities and even disturb sleep. Pain can be characterized as stabbing in nature, with the duration and severity depending on the cause.

While in the majority of causes, inner thigh pain tends to manifest as a consequence of intense physical exercise, it is possible that it may be due to an underlying medical condition.

Treatment for inner thigh pain
Inner thigh pain treatment will depend on the underlying cause. Knowing what has caused the condition in your case will make it easier for you to choose the right form of treatment. If you have previously attempted to treat your inner thigh pain to no avail, it may be a good idea to visit a doctor and get their expert opinion on the matter. The following are some potential causes of inner thigh pain and their various treatment methods.


Inner thigh pain to due physical trauma can be treated at home, granted it is not too severe. The first step is to rest the leg. Applying ice packs to the affected area will help reduce any pain and swelling. It is recommended to use ice-packs in intervals of around 20–30 minutes. Lastly, wrapping your thigh with a bandage or compression wrap will apply pressure and give you some necessary support to promote the healing process.

Once the swelling has gone down and pain has subsided, you may attempt to perform some inner thigh pain relief exercises and stretches. This will help to increase the mobility of the groin and thigh. One such exercise is to sit on the ground in a way where you can connect the soles of your feet together. Once in this position, grip your feet with your hands and slowly lower your knees to the ground. It is important to do this exercise very slowly and at your own pace.

The use of over-the-counter medication, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, can be an effective adjunct for inner thigh pain relief. Pain relief creams and ointment may also be a great option as they can target the specific area of pain.


This is a condition that will require surgery, as it is caused by a weakened area on the abdominal wall or inguinal area. When this occurs, part of the abdominal contents will push its way through, creating a bulge. Surgery often involves applying a mesh to reduce a hernia and keep the abdominal contents in place. It is advised to refrain from any heavy lifting or other straining activities as they may exacerbate a hernia.

Kidney Stones

Often characterized by extreme pain that can be felt in the lower abdomen and possibly extend down the inner thigh. This is often required to be treated with prescription-grade pain medication, as in most cases, treatment is to simply endure until the kidney stone has passed naturally. However, larger stones will require medical assistance with the possibility of surgery needed to remove them. It is recommended to stay hydrated to improve the chances of passing kidney stones quickly


Often considered a condition of old age, osteoarthritis is characterized by the wear of protective cartilage on the ends of your bones. There is no specific treatment for osteoarthritis, but it is recommended that overweight individuals lose weight, as it helps to ease the stress put on weight-bearing joints. Low-impact exercises such as swimming, walking, and yoga are also recommended.

Pubis Dysfunction

Characterized by an unstable pelvis. It may be beneficial to utilize a pelvic support belt to help with stabilization. Medication may also be prescribed by a doctor if pain is unbearable.

Home remedies for inner thigh pain

Elevate your leg: Helps to minimize swelling and improve blood circulation. It is recommended to keep your leg higher than your heart as much as possible for the first 24 hours.

Apply an ice pack: Helps to reduce swelling in the affected area. It should be applied at intervals of 20–30 minutes at most. You can also use the ice pack to massage the sore area. The use of ice packs is recommended about four times a day for two to three days.

Support the muscle: This can be done by wrapping the affected area with a compression wrap or an elastic support bandage. This will put pressure on the area, giving it support and helping to reduce pain.

Perform groin stretches: Can help prevent further strain, but shouldn’t be attempted until pain and swelling have subsided

Eat a balanced diet: You muscle is primarily composed of protein and will need to repair itself with protein obtained from your diet. Protein-rich foods such as poultry, fish, cheese, and milk are great choices. It is advised to consume protein alongside a well-balanced diet.

Hot bath: Heat therapy can be a great option for reducing pain. The warm temperature of a bath can also help to unravel knots and trigger points that have developed over time on the body. Heat will help promote better blood flow to tissues, bringing with it much-needed oxygen and nutrients, helping to improve muscle repair and function. It is advised to make sure your bath is not scalding hot at it can cause a burn.

Massage oils: Known for their relaxing properties and scent, massage oils may be a great homeopathic option for those looking to use the natural power of essential oils. The following are some popular choices that can help with inner thigh pain:

Juniper essential oil: Known for containing antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids, juniper oil is one of best essential oils to help relieve various types of pain. By eliminating free radicals, it also helps to promote overall health. Juniper oil can also improve blood circulation by eliminating excess fluids from your body. Being a versatile oil, it can be used aromatically with the use of a diffuser. Once mixed with a carrier oil, it can be massaged into your skin.

Wintergreen essential oil: Beneficial for muscle aches and pains, but is also known for helping to alleviate certain kidney problems, nerve pain, throbbing joints, and menstrual pain. However, Wintergreen is known for inducing several side effects if ingested such as ringing in the ears, belly pain, and vomiting.

Cayenne essential oil: Relieves muscle pain and throbbing sensations by nullifying the effect of compound P (a neurotransmitter). The active compound in this oil is capsaicin, a commonly used substance to help reduce and eliminate pain.

Ginger essential oil: This root spice has been long known for harboring many beneficial health effects when consumed, but its oil can also be used externally on your skin as well. Thanks to ginger’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it is great for aching muscles and easing muscle spasms. Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis will benefit from ginger as well.

Sandalwood essential oil: Effective for all body types, sandalwood essential oil is beneficial for just about any type of skin ailment. It is considered an antiseptic, helping to prevent infection and also has very strong pain relief actions for nerve, skeletal, muscle pain.

Clove essential oil: Known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect, clove oil can be a great choice for helping regulated immune processes in the body. The active ingredient found in cloves called eugenol has the added effect of preventing blood clots.
Wear warm, loose-fitting clothes: Helps to prevent constriction of nerves and muscles as well as promote circulation. Keeping your inner thighs warm will reduce discomfort and help keep pain from getting worse.

Engage in minimal impact sports: This can help in stretching and strengthening the muscles. However, you should make sure that has subsided enough to perform low-impact exercises to prevent reinjury and causing more pain.

Vitamins and minerals: Various supplements with zinc, magnesium, and calcium, along with other vitamins and minerals will help to speed up healing and recovery of affected muscles.

Resting: Restricting activity is one of the best things you can do to help relieve inner thigh pain.

Warm or cold compression: Alternating between warm and cold compresses can facilitate normal blood flow and reduce swelling

When to seek medical help
Knowing to get rid of inner thigh pain is the only way you can make strides toward achieving inner thigh pain relief. Using the tips and recommendations outlined in this article, your pain may be too great to treat on your own. If you find that your inner thigh pain is so severe that you have difficulties walking, seeking the care of a trained medical professional is recommended.

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