Thursday, March 29, 2018

15 Yoga Poses to Treat Muscle Spasms and Cramps Cure

15 Yoga Poses to Treat Muscle Spasms and Cramps Cure

What is muscle spasms
From yogic point of view, we defined muscle spasms as the excessive pulling of body muscles while performing stretching and twisting yogic poses and asanas. Muscle spasms are also the outcome of strenuous physical exercises that lead to tearing, straining or pulling body muscles.  Muscle spasms can be caused by tendons, ligaments, joints and nerves that make the spine. Muscle spasms cause pain in the neck, shoulder, leg, abdominal sides, etc. Sometimes, the pain may be chronic and beyond one’s limitations. The stretched muscles may be relaxed when they given proper relaxation time.

Causes of muscle spasms

Muscles sore
Excessive exercise
Unfavourable climate (hot weather)
Electrolyte imbalance
Use of certain medicine

Best Yoga for muscle spasms
Tadasana (Palm tree pose): The palm tree pose give stretch to muscles, especially the tiny ones from toes to finger. It also shows relaxation effects upon the nerves.
Parsavkonasana (Lateral angle posture): It facilitates stretching to heart, waist and hip muscles.
Bandha Konasana (The Cobbler pose)
Makrasana (Crocodile posture):  It gives calming stretching to the legs and back muscles. It also helps to remove mental and physical fatigue from the body.
Yastikaana (Stick pose): It’s the simple yogasana but quite effective in giving soothing stretch to the tiny muscles of the entire body.
Matsyasana: Good in treating of back and neck muscle spasm
Adho Mukh Savasana (The downward facing dog pose): It gives relieve to the lower back muscles and provide support to the spine. It is good for healing muscle cramps.
Balasana (Child  it pose):provides calmness to the back and other body parts therefore good in treating of muscle spasms.It is one of the effective yoga poses to give relaxation to the body.  Since,
Bhujangasana (The Cobra pose): The cobra pose is good in giving gentle stretching to the back and legs. It also put tender stretch to the abdomen, shoulder and the entire spinal column.
Wall Plank: It provides soothing stretching to the spine, especially the lower spines, leg and hands.
Shavasana (Corpse pose): good in treating of stress, strain, cramps, muscle spasm, depression and other negative domains of the health area.
Setubandha Sarvangasana (The supported bridge pose)
Saithalyasana (Animal relaxation pose): good for stiff spines.
Anulom Vilom Pranayama: The pranayama is extremely beneficial in giving chilling muscles relaxation.
Deep  Breathing: It eases muscles toned.

Yoga for back muscle spasms
There are many Yoga poses, asanas and exercises, which are good in the treatment of both upper back muscle spasms and lower back muscle spasms. Here, the list of Yoga poses, which are good in curing of back ache are:

Tadasana (palm tree pose)
Hastottanasana (Up-stretched arm posture)
Katichakrasana (Lumber-wheel posture)
Setu Bandhasana (Bridge formation pose)
Shalabhasana (Locust pose)

Yoga for leg muscle spasms
Tadasana (palm tree pose)
Katichakrasana (Lumber-wheel posture)
Shalabhasana (Locust pose)
Parsavkonasana (Lateral angle posture)
Warrior pose
Yoga for neck muscle spasms
1. Griva-sakti-vikasaka (Strengthening the Neck) (1)

Make yourself stand erect.
Keep your neck relax and calm. Now, turn the head towards right shoulder and again left shoulder slowly.
Continue the practice for 10-15 times.
Your breathing should be normal.

 2.Griva-sakti-vikasaka (Strengthening the Neck) (2)

Keep your feet close in standing position by keeping your back straight.
Rotate the head from left to right and right to left
Practice it for 10 times.
Your breathing is normal.
3. Griva-sakti-vikasaka (Strengthening the Neck) (3):

Stand erect
Move your neck to and fro
Initially, it for 10 times.
All these exercises are helpful in loosening the neck and helps in reducing of neck spasms and neck cramps.

Home remedies for muscle spasms
Drink 3-4 litres of water every day
Taking of balanced and nutritious diet
Doing simple yoga every day for 30-40 minutes
Perform simple exercises, especially the stretching one
Massage the spasms area
Using warm water bottle to the affected area.

Tips to treat muscle spasms
Take a maximum rest
If you want to perform exercise, do the same as per your limit.
 Applying tolerable heat to the affected area.
Ice pack is also effective in subsidizing the pain
While exercising, take sports drink so that the mineral get replenished.
Try to avoid beverages such as alcohol, caffeine and thein.
One has to prefer to those diet, which are rich in potassium i.e. banana.

Muscle spasms medicine
There are many medicines which ease the symptoms of cramps and show calming effect to muscle spasms.

Sedative: This is an effective medication in treating of muscle cramps and easing the muscles of the body.  It directly affects the central nervous system and shows the calming effects to the concerned area.

Carisoprodol: It gives relief from muscle cramps that happened due to involuntary contraction of muscles. The medicine is recommended when the person is experiencing acute muscle pain where the drug blocks the impulses of nerves to the brain.

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