Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Home Remedies To Treat Muscular Dystrophy

Home Remedies To Treat Muscular Dystrophy

What is muscular dystrophy?
Muscular dystrophy is a group of genetic diseases that damage and weaken your muscles over time. This damage and weakness is due to the lack of a protein called dystrophin, which is necessary for normal muscle function The absence of this protein can cause problems with walking, swallowing, and muscle coordination.
There are more different kinds of muscular dystrophy, that generally vary in symptoms and severity.
Muscular dystrophy can occur at any age, but most diagnoses occur in childhood. Young boys are more likely to have this disease than girls.
The prognosis for muscular dystrophy depends on the type and the severity of symptoms. However, most of the people with muscular dystrophy do lose the ability to walk and eventually require a wheelchair. There’s no known cure for muscular dystrophy, but certain treatments may help.
If you have muscular dystrophy, your body can’t make the proteins needed to form healthy muscle. This causes a gradual weakness and loss of muscle tissue.

Symptoms of muscular dystrophy
A waddling gait
Pain and stiffness in the muscles
Difficulty with running and jumping
Walking on toes
Difficulty sitting up or standing
Learning disabilities, such as developing speech later than usual
Frequent falls.

Inability to walk
A shortening of muscles and tendons, further limiting movement
Breathing problems can become so severe that assisted breathing is necessary
The muscles of the heart can be weakened, leading to cardiac problems
Curvature of the spine can be caused if muscles are not strong enough to support its structure
Difficulty swallowing, with a risk of aspiration pneumonia. A feeding tube is sometimes necessary.

Certain genes are involved in making proteins that protect muscle fibers from damage. Muscular dystrophy occurs when one of these genes is defective.
Each form of muscular dystrophy is genrally caused by a genetic mutation particular to that type of the disease. Many of these mutations are inherited. But some occur spontaneously in the mother’s egg or the developing embryo and can be passed on to the next generation.

Risk factors
Muscular dystrophy occurs in both men and women and also in all ages and races. However, the most common variety, Duchenne, usually occurs in young boys. People with a family history of muscular dystrophy are at higher risk of developing the disease or passing it on to their children.

Types of muscular dystrophy
There are many different types of muscular dystrophy. The most common ones are:

Myotonic (also called MMD or Steinert’s disease)
This is one of the most common forms of muscular dystrophy in adults, myotonic muscular dystrophy affects both genders, and it is usually appears any time from early childhood to their adulthood. In rare cases, it appears in newborns. The name generally refers to a symptom, myotonia — prolonged spasm or stiffening of muscles after use. This symptom is usually becomes worse in cold temperatures. This disease generally causes muscle weakness and also affects the central nervous system, heart, gastrointestinal tract, eyes, and also hormone-producing glands. In most cases, daily living is not restricted for many years. Those affected have a decreased life expectancy.

This is most common form of muscular dystrophy in children, Duchenne muscular dystrophy mostly affects male people. It appears between the ages of 2 and 6. The muscles decrease in size and also grow weaker over time yet may appear larger. Disease progression varies, but many of the people who sufferers need a wheelchair by the age of 12. In most cases, the arms, legs, and spine become progressively deformed. Severe breathing and heart problems mark the later stages of the disease. Most with Duchenne live into their twenties and also sometimes longer.

This form is similar to Duchenne muscular dystrophy, but the becker disease is much milder: mostly symptoms appear later and progress more slowly. It is usually appear between the ages of 2 and 16 but can appear as late as age 25. Like Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Becker muscular dystrophy affects only males and causes heart problems. Disease severity varies. People affected by this can usually walk into their 30s, sometimes longer, and live further into adulthood.

This generally appears in the teens to early adulthood and affects males and females. In its most common form, this muscular dystrophy causes progressive weakness that begins in the hips and moves to the shoulders, arms, and legs. Within the age of 20 years, walking becomes difficult and also impossible. Those affected typically live to mid to late adulthood.

Facioscapulohumeral (FSH)
Facioscapulohumeral refers to the muscles that move the face, shoulder blade, and upper arm bone. This form of muscular dystrophy appears in the teens people to early adulthood and affects males and females. It progresses slowly, with short periods of rapid muscle deterioration and weakness. Severity ranges from very mild to completely disabling. Walking, chewing, swallowing, and speaking problems can occur. About 50% of people those affected can walk throughout their lives. Those with the condition usually live a normal life span.

Congenital muscular dystrophies progress slowly and affect both genders. The two forms that have been identified are Fukuyama and congenital muscular dystrophy with myosin deficiency — cause muscle weakness at birth or in the first few months of life, along with severe and early contractures. Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy causes abnormalities in the brain and often seizures.

Oculopharyngeal (OPMD)
Oculopharyngeal means eye and throat. This form of muscular dystrophy appears in both men and women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. It progresses slowly,causing weakness in the eye and face muscles, which may lead to difficulty swallowing. Weakness in pelvic and shoulder muscles may occur later. Choking and also recurrent pneumonia may occur.

This group of rare diseases affects adult men and women. It causes weakness and wasting of the distal muscles (those farthest from the centre) of the forearms, hands, lower legs, and feet. It is generally less severe comparing to other and progresses more slowly, and also affects fewer muscles than other forms of muscular dystrophy.

This form is rare form of muscular dystrophy appears from childhood to the early teens. It causes muscle weakness and wasting in the shoulders, upper arms, and lower legs. Life-threatening heart problems are common and can also it affect carriers — those who have the genetic information for this disease but do not develop the full-blown version (including mothers and sisters of those affected). Muscle shortening (contractures) occurs early in the disease. Weakness will spread to chest and also for pelvic muscles. This disease progresses slowly and causes less severe muscle weakness than some other forms of muscular dystrophy.

Home remedies to treat muscular dystrophy

Reishi Mushroom
Reishi mushroom known as the king of traditional medicine and it is very helpful in relieving the symptoms of muscular dystrophy. This fungus has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which can boost immunity and also improves the strength of the muscles. Reishi mushrooms can be used as an alternative home remedy to cure muscular dystrophy. It also  helps in improving the body movements thus helps in curing muscular dystrophy naturally.

Green tea
Green tea mainly helps in preventing the muscle cell death and deterioration. As all know that drinking 7 cups of green tea in a day decreases the muscle wasting in one type of leg muscle in mice suffering with muscular dystrophy. Green tea is also beneficial for humans with neuromuscular conditions as an alternative cure for muscular dystrophy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has innumerable medicinal values and is extensively used to cure and heal a large number of diseases and ailments. It is rich in is rich in vitamins and minerals that supply essential nutrients to your body that helps in muscle development.The acetic acid present in this vinegar has superb anti-inflammatory and pain relieving abilities. It also improves circulation and elevates the mood.

Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and stir in half a teaspoon of baking soda. Drink this, twice daily after your meal. Apple cider vinegar is referred as a natural cure for muscular dystrophy. Apple cider vinegar It also helps in eliminating toxins and balancing acids in your body.

This mineral is very important for the strength of your muscles. People having muscular dystrophy showed a marked deficiency of this mineral in their bodies. Selenium can arrest the progress of this disorder and gradually help to rebuild the muscle tissue. Selenium also helps the human body to process vitamin E more effectively thus enhancing its antioxidant abilities. You should consume selenium daily.

Lecithin is a fatty substance which is essential in the cells of the body. It improves the nerve impulses and together with vitamin E provides strength to the weakening muscles in muscular dystrophy. Lecithin contains inositol and phosphatidyl which curb the degeneration of the muscle tissue and improve the motor skills. People who were unable to walk or unable to stand started performing these functions after taking lecithin supplements. Consume lecithin daily for good results.

Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 also called as ubiquinone is naturally present in your body. High or low levels of Coenzyme Q10 can lead to different diseases. Coenzyme Q10 is present in different food substances and also in the form of supplements that help in preventing and curing muscular dystrophy.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is also an antioxidant that can be used as a cure for muscular dystrophy. Deficiency of vitamin E in your body can increase the risk of muscular dystrophy and can lead to muscle weakness. This is one of the keys to manage the symptoms of muscular dystrophy is vitamin E. generally lack of this essential vitamin causes muscular degeneration and loss of muscle tissue. By consuming vitamin E this problem will be solved.

Curcumin is generally present in different food products that are used to cure muscular dystrophy. It is known to alleviate dystrophic muscle pathology. Curcumin improves the muscle strength in your body. Curcumin is a non-toxic substance derived from a plant that is used as a natural cure for muscular dystrophy.

Physical therapy
Physical therapy includes few exercises like range-of-motion and stretching exercises. These exercises help in maintaining the flexibility and strength of the muscles. Physical exercises and also stretching is must to keep the muscles stronger.  Physical therapy is one of the best natural cures for muscular dystrophy.

Speech therapy
While people who are suffering with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, you will generally experience few speech problems. Speech therapy helps you to move your facial muscles and improves the speech. Speech therapy is considered as an alternative cure for muscular dystrophy.

Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy helps you in learning the assistive devices like wheelchairs and braces. While suffering with muscular dystrophy you can relearn the movements with the help of occupational therapy. Occupational therapy is commonly used for muscular dystrophy cure.

Massage therapy
Massage therapy is a beneficial therapy used for muscular dystrophy cure. Massage therapy helps in relieving the symptoms of neuromuscular diseases. It also helps in improving blood circulation in your body. Massage therapy cannot completely cure muscular dystrophy, but can ease the symptoms and relieve tension caused due to muscular dystrophy.

Daily Lifestyle
Respiratory infections may become a problem in later stages of muscular dystrophy. It’s important to be vaccinated for pneumonia and to keep up to date with influenza shots.

Dietary changes haven’t been shown to slow the progression of muscular dystrophy.
But proper nutrition is essential because limited mobility can contribute to obesity, dehydration and constipation.
A high-fiber, high-protein, low-calorie diet may help.

By following the above natural remedies you can get rid of muscular dystrophy. If your problem severe you should contact your doctor.

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