Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Top 9 Home Remedies for Weight loss in 2 weeks

Stop dieting and start eating! These safe top 9 home remedies for weight loss will help you cut calories in no time.

Healthy ways of losing weight
Nutritionists have it that there is an optimum weight condition for both men and women, one that is proportionate to the height, age, and gender of the individual. When the fat content of a person’s body exceeds that of the normal values, he/she could be overweight or even obese. Being overweight leads to a lot of noticeable problems in a person’s body, but you need not worry as there are lots of things that you can do to lose some extra kilos.

If you have a sweet tooth and can’t resist eating at least one bar of chocolate every day, you can prevent the sweet from converting into fats by eating lots of cabbage. This super vegetable has tartaric acid the consumption of which can help you to burn fats from even the stubborn areas such as the thighs and belly.

Carrots are loaded with fiber and at least half of it is soluble fiber called calcium pectate. This fibrous content is what makes it a natural weight loss food. Drinking carrot juice every day can prove to be a healthy stomach-filling drink that also does not accumulate calories.

Cranberries are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which prevent the formation of free radicals and keep a check on the weight. Consume cranberry juice on a regular basis to see amazing results.

Cucumber has always been considered a cooling agent both for the internal as well as external parts of the body. 90 percent of a cucumber is water, which helps in breaking the fat cells. So, try to eat cucumbers along with your regular meals. They will keep you full and will carry zero threat of weight gain.

Honey and Lemon
Honey and lemon work wonder for the body. They help to control weight and balance out a lot of other irregularities in the functioning of the body. Take a glass of lukewarm water and add a teaspoon of honey, 2 tbsp of lemon juice and a pinch of black pepper. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach first sting in the morning.

Peach is a zero fat food that has about 68 calories. So, instead of eating a whole meal, just grab a large peach at meal time. This will prevent any unnecessary calories from causing your body to bulge. You will shrink almost magically if you make peach a part of your routine.

Tomatoes are super healthy fruits that keep the immune system healthy with their vitamin C content. They also have beta-carotene and other carotenoids that have several disease-preventing properties that particularly target cancer and heart diseases.

Yoga is an age-old practice for a healthy mind and body that has been going around for centuries. Yoga has been recognized worldwide as a weight loss remedy. With there being so many asanas and positions, you can target certain parts of your body that have excess fat and do the corresponding exercise. Yoga is highly effective in removing fat that has been accumulated in a particular area for years.

Indian Plum
Drinking the juice of jujube leaves in the morning every day has been linked to weight loss reduction. Soak a few jujube leaves in water and let it remain so overnight. When you wake up in the morning, drink the soaking water on an empty stomach. Try to make this a routine for at least the next 30 days.

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