Monday, March 19, 2018

7 Easy Home Remedies to Cure Chest Pain

The reasons for chest pain can range from heart problems to a general cough and flu.
Once you know that there isn’t any severe heart condition causing the pain, you must look for some home remedies to cure your chest pain.
Here are some of them listed for you.
Don't Ignore the Pain!
A heart attack is not what necessarily causes your chest to pain. There could be several other causes of it. However, it is always recommended to visit a doctor whenever you feel a chest pain so that the possibility of a heart attack or any other problem with the heart can be ruled out. This type of chest pain is a result of obstruction or spasm of the coronary arteries and is called angina. Pain in the chest must never be ignored. When it has been cleared that it isn’t the heart attack that causes the pain, you must take help of remedies to cure chest pain. Here are some of the remedies listed for you.

Garlic holds a reputation for being an herb that can be used for overall health, especially to cure heart problems. Garlic is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C. Some traces of iodine, sulfur and chlorine can also be found in it. It can ward off many causes of chest pain like a cough, asthma, phlegm etc. Only a single clove of garlic a day can lower your cholesterol levels and prevent building up of plaque on your arterial walls that can be a prominent cause of angina or chest pain.

Ginger Root
Ginger root has been an age-old remedy to cure various medical conditions. It is highly recommended for gastrointestinal problems like acidity, cold and flu and inflammation and can be a very useful remedy for vomit and nausea, even during pregnancy. Whenever you experience pain in the chest, you must consider having hot ginger root tea to reduce the inflammation and to get relief from cough and other symptoms like heartburn that can cause pain in the chest.

Turmeric as a spice is widely used in Asian cuisines and as herb, it has been traditionally used in Ayurveda and Chinese medicines to cure inflammatory diseases. Turmeric is put to use by herbalists to treat various diseases like flatulence, bruises, chest pain etc. because of a component called curcumin which is found in it. Curcumin is very effective when it comes to protecting your heart from unhealthy conditions.  The compound helps in preventing the oxidation of cholesterol which damages blood vessels and builds up plaque on the arterial walls.

Holy Basil
Popularly known as Tulsi, holy basil is an effective anti-bacterial herb and causes anti-inflammatory effects. It contains nutrients which are essential for the heart. The volatile oils found in basil have a component called eugenol which has the ability to block the activity of an enzyme called cyclooxygenase in the body. The anti-inflammatory properties of holy basil can give relief from pain as well as relieve inflammatory bowel conditions.

This herb has medicinal properties and contains vitamins like C, B, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin A as beta-carotene, vitamin D and K. It contains chlorophyll and xanthophyll pigments along with various phytosterols, amino acids, saponins, tannins, fiber, and protein. These components together make alfalfa a valuable herb that can treat various diseases. The enzymes found in the herb make food assimilation and digestion better which results in relieving heartburn and gastrointestinal problems that can be a cause of chest pain.

Hibiscus carries antioxidants in abundance, especially flavonoids that can neutralize free radicals and boost your general well being. These antioxidants can reduce the accumulation of fat in the arteries, thus preventing heart problems and chest pain. The good amount of vitamin C found in the herb makes it play a crucial role in strengthening the immune system, especially if you are prone to cold and flu which leads to coughing and severe pain in the chest. Hibiscus tea can relieve cough, chest pains, sore throat and other respiratory problems.

Pomegranate Juice
There have been many laboratory and clinical studies which show that pomegranate can be helpful in relieving cardiovascular diseases. It can prevent damage to arterial walls by reducing oxidative stress, supporting synthesis and activity of nitric oxide and stop the oxidation of LDL. This, in turn, prevents and reverses atherosclerosis, which hardens and narrows the arteries causing heart attacks, strokes and peripheral vascular disease. All these problems have chest pain as their early symptom. When you consume pomegranate juice regularly its effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can prevent all these conditions along with chest pain.

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